
hydrothermal fluid中文是什么意思

  • 热液流体



  • 例句与用法
  • The stratiform skarns of hydrothermal fluid sedimentary origin are well developed in kendekoke gold deposit , qinhai province
  • ( 7 ) by studying of ore - forming fluid and the micas ( using the f , cl contents in micas to calculate the halogen fugacity of the hydrothermal fluid , eg
    ( 7 )通过对成矿流体和花岗质岩石黑云母、白云母中卤素相对逸度的研究( 109担20 / fh 。
  • Moreover , the hydrothermal fluid is also very high in salinity with an average of nacl = 21 . 66 wt % and relatively lower in pressure with an average of 54 105pa
    另外,包裹体中的盐度也甚高,平均在21 . 66wt nacl ,而成矿时的压力相对较低,平均54 10 ~ 5pa 。
  • The analyses of oxygen and hydrogen isotope indicate that the hydrothermal fluid is dominated by magmatic water with input of a lot of meteoric and underground water in the later stage
  • Analysis of six cementing events indicates that the deeply buried karst during himalayan epoch is related to corrosive hydrothermal fluid and is the key period for forming porous system of the present reservoir
  • As a result , yangshan gold deposit is mainly derived from metallogenesis of mixing metamorphic fluid and magmatic hydrothermal fluid , hence showing multiple genetic and compounding metallogenic features , typical of a super - large hydrothermal ( medium to low temperature ) gold deposit
  • ( 4 ) the trace elements and ree geochemistry of the tongchang granodiorite porphyry indicate , there exists the reaction between the porphyry and the hydrothermal fluid . the hydrothermal fluid was cl - enriched solution , and flowed from the porphyry center to contact zone
    ( 4 )德兴铜厂斑岩体微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征表明,该岩体发生了流体?熔体作用,分异出来的流体是一种相对富氯的流体,同时成矿流体的流向是从岩体中心向接触带方向流动。
  • The paper discusses dynamical conditions of the supercritical ore - forming fluid system based on study of regional geological background and analyses of physiochemical conditions of ore - forming process and puts forth the ore - forming mechanism : upper mantle uplift - mingling of meteoric water and magmatic hydrothermal fluid separated from acidic magma under tensile or transitional tensile environment - water / rock reaction - transportation - chemical coupling ore precipitation
  • The ore - bearing fluid of dabaoshan deposit was relate to magmatic thermal dynamic process and formed hydrothermal sedimentary polymetallic deposit at seafloor . the ore - bearing fluid of fankou was relate to circulation hydrothermal fluid in deep formation and formed pb - zn - ag - hg polymetallic middle - lower temperature sedimentary deposit by sea - floor thermal spring overflowing
  • The hydrothermal activities which were complicated and acted a positive effect in the formation of the zhulazaga gold deposit resulted in hydrothermal alterations of multiepisode , including pyroxeneization , actinolitization , epidotization , ice - feldsparization , silicification , chloritization and carbonatization etc . the research on inclusions in quartz of the ore indicates that the hydrothermal fluid varying greatly in temperature with an average of 286 shows characteristics of high temperature
    3 、朱拉扎嘎金矿的形成中热液活动起到了积极的作用,热液活动不仅复杂而且具多期性,有透辉石化、阳起石化、绿帘石化、绿泥石化、硅化、冰长石化、碳酸盐化等。矿石中石英包裹体的研究表明,含矿热液的温度变化范围较宽广,平均在286 ,显示中偏高温特征。
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